Start Your FREE 2025 VA DMV Practice Test Now
Whether you’re heading for the beach, a camping trip in Shenandoah National Park, or a tour of our nation’s capital, you’ll need a driver’s license. And before you may apply for a driver’s license, you’ll have to obtain a learner’s permit, for which you must pass a knowledge exam. Our practice tests feature questions just like those on the official knowledge exam.

Just because you are transporting peanuts through Richmond doesn’t mean you have to get paid peanuts too. But if you want to get cash for hauling tobacco to Virginia Beach, you’ll need a Virginia commercial driver’s license (CDL). Skills and written tests can be pretty extensive, but we’ve got a way to reduce your stress by giving you practice questions similar to the ones you’ll see on the real thing.

Whether you’re heading for the beach, a camping trip in Shenandoah National Park, or a tour of our nation’s capital, you’ll need a driver’s license. And before you may apply for a driver’s license, you’ll have to obtain a learner’s permit, for which you must pass a knowledge exam. Our practice tests feature questions just like those on the official knowledge exam.